Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hanging Out

Wednesday we didn't have anything official planned, so we hung out at the hotel until after the little man took his nap.  Once got up, we figured we would venture out for a little shopping and dinner.  He did awesome overall, with a few meltdowns of sadness during the day.  Oh it breaks my heart!  I also swear tears come out of multiple places in his little sad!  He seemed to miss his nanny today when we had to say no to something he was doing.  It's when he doesn't get his way that he realizes he doesn't want to be with us.  We're working through it, but already he has come so far! 

Yeah, I'm cool with underpants on my head!

I taught him a few signs yesterday, and as we were playing before bed and having his snack, he wanted some of his orange juice drink.  I gave him some, and he finished it.  He then looked up at me and signed. "More, please," with the sweetest grin on his face.  Ugh!  How was I supposed to say no to that?  He had more juice.  Only a tiny bit more.  That counts as not giving in totally, right? :)

We had dinner at Pizza Hut, which is not really like our Pizza Hut except for the fact that they both serve pizza.  Their Pizza Hut almost looks more upscale, and they serve a whole bunch more than just pizza.  As we were waiting on our check, we got a little bored, so we decided to snap a few pics...

When we got back from our adventure, the little man wanted to hop in the tub again. he went.  He LOVES the bath!  Tomorrow we are going to try to get to a park called Orange Island.  It's in the middle of the river here in Changsha, and it's supposed to be wonderful.  I would just love a place where the little man can get out and run around...he think he would love that too ;)

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