Thursday, November 6, 2014

A few days rolled into one...

So yesterday (Thursday,) our plan was to go to the Orange Island Park, but our little sleepyhead decided to take over a 3 hour nap!  Wowza!  So being that it was already 4pm, and it gets dark around 5, we thought we should forgo the trip for the day.  We ended up going back to the children's clothing store that I nearly bought out on Tuesday, ahem bought a few select pieces at, because the little man needed some pants that fit him better.  I had brought along 3T's which are a little too long.  After we shopped for a bit, we went to another hotel to grab dinner. 

They have a Chinese restaurant they call Food Street, where you go in and grab your table, and then get a little card that looks like a room key at a hotel.  The entire parameter of the restaurant is nothing but different food stations for a lack of better terms.  You pick out what you want at each station, and then give the cook at that station your card, which he scans.  At the end of your meal, you take your card up to the register, they scan it, and you pay.  Very cool!  Now, I know I made that just sound like we totally knew what we were doing when we went there, but of course we didn't!  We were the crazy foreigners with the Chinese toddler who had the deer in the headlights look on their faces.  But, we got it under control! 

When we got back to the hotel, the little man of course wanted to take another bath, so in he went.  Seriously, this kid has taken at least a half dozen or more baths since Tuesday!  Needless to say, he smells great ;) 

Onto Friday...our last day in Changsha.  We talked to the kids this morning, (the ones back at home,) and ate breakfast.  As per our routine, we then played in the hotel's playroom, (which is conveniently literally next door to our room,) and the little man actually got to play with another girl.  Although play might not be the right term...she was trying to pull his hair! It is rainy today, and is supposed to rain the whole!  The only other thing we may do is go to buy a suitcase.  I may or may not have purchased so many children's clothes that we cannot fit them into our current bags.  I plead the fifth!  :) 

We leave first thing in the morning on the bullet train for Guangzhou, which is a city in southeastern China where the US Consulate is.  We will be there until Friday, when we take the train to Hong Kong, where we will fly out Saturday.  We are VERY excited to move onto Guangzhou, as it symbolizes we are over half way through our trip, and we get to meet up with some of the other adoptive families who we have gotten to "know" through social media.  We are so excited! 

Yes, he is absolutely adorable...and a ham!

Already a Buckeye!  Giving OSU the thumbs up!

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