Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Story of #4

In case you missed it, which I doubt anyone who is reading our blog has, we are on the road to adoption once again!  We are so excited, overwhelmed, nervous, you name it!  This time we will be going back again to that “large Asian country,” but this time, to return with a beautiful little lady!  Our sweet girl is currently just 17 months old, and this momma is doing everything I can to get our arms around her before she turns 2…which I think may be a long shot, but you never know!  

The Mister and I had been going back and forth on if a fourth was in the cards for us as a family.  Because the Mister was considering the possibility, I conveniently let our agency know that we could quite possibly be searching for a little girl over the coming months.  Well wouldn’t you know it, around early July, our agency presented us with a file of a sweet little one, just 16 months old!  The Mister and I talked and prayed about her and the decision, and decided that she was to be the newest member of our family!  

Now backing up to the month of June, I was approached by a friend to consider writing a guest post for the website, No Hands But Ours, about our little guy’s special need…cerebral palsy.  She had mentioned to me that they were looking for someone to write on that specific need, because apparently many prospective adoptive families considered it to be one of the more “scary” needs.  It sounded funny to me that anyone would call it a scary diagnosis!  I prayed about the post, knowing it would reach a much bigger audience than my little blog here, and also since I don’t consider myself to be nearly as good as a writer as many of the mommas whose blogs I follow, but I felt like God was calling me to write what was on my heart.  I won’t repeat the whole post for you…you can read it here, but I wrote these words just days before receiving our little one’s file.  Why does that matter?  Well friends, it all comes down to God’s perfect timing.  I say that because I genuinely feel that He used what He had laid on my heart to write to comfort us in making our decision about adding that little one to our family.  Why?  Because our new little one will also be diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy when she arrives home…and her scans…they are scary to me.  Yep, I said it.  Scary.  The word I had thought was so funny to use in conjunction with my precious little man was just the word that came to mind when I was reading over my little love’s file.  If you have stopped and read my guest post on No Hands But Ours, you are probably getting the connection here!  That post, if not written for any other person’s benefit in the entire universe, was written for me.  God was whispering just to me, “I’ve got this.  You need to trust me.”  We were called by God as a family to adopt, and I do know that He’s “got this,” but it’s hard.  It’s not just hard in the adoption related world to trust God, it’s hard lots of the time.  Because if you’re like me, you’re a control freak, you like to try to plan for things to go according to your plan.  But people, the sooner we realize it’s not our plan, faster it will be when we submit to God’s will and purpose for our lives, which is of course 1,000 times better than anything that you or I could ever imagine.  

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. 21 Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.” – Ephesians 3:20-21

So glory to God…glory because He knit together my beautiful and precious little girl in her tummy momma, glory to Him because He knows her story and can make beauty from the ashes, and glory to Him for continually showing me what amazing blessings are the result of just trusting in His plan.

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