Tuesday, December 1, 2015

One Year...and a month

Did I really just write those two words together?!?!?!  How in the world is it possible that we have had our little man in our arms for an entire year?  It seems crazy!  In some ways, it feels as though he has been with us forever, and in other ways, I feel like I'm still learning so much about him and his little personality that it could've very well been last week that we just laid eyes on one another.  Our little guy...he's an amazing little human!  Sometimes...maybe even often times, I hardly give him enough credit.  I get caught up in comparing him to other kids...either his age, or adopted, or both, and think to myself, "Oh man, H is doing this or that," but I have found myself more recently as we were approaching our one year family day anniversary taking a step back to see all that my guy has done.  He can run...and pretty well!  He has made great improvements in using his right arm and hand as well, and I know there will be more improvements made in the future as well.  And speech.  He blows me away every day!  See, with him we don't see these amazing quantum leaps.  Honestly, we never have since the day he entered into our family.  He wasn't one of those malnourished children who has gained 15 lbs and grown 6 inches...nope not him.  And for a long time, I felt guilty about that.  Like he wasn't receiving enough love, or food, or who knows what!  He definitely has grown, but for him, everything is in bite sized pieces :)  Well, except for when he's literally eating, and then it's not bite sized at all...dude can eat!  Anyway, he's been the slow and steady type.  Little improvements with movement or new words can be seen each day.  Seeing it each day is a new blessing, and I'm so thankful to bear witness to this little one's life.  We have been truly blessed! 

We've had LOTS going on this past month, and very very soon...like later this week soon, I will have more updates on our newest Schaadt, but that can wait for now.  Right now, let's just all take a moment and enjoy the cuteness that I get to see every day!

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