Can you even believe it?!?!?! To be technical, it's actually been a two months plus a few days. Seems so short and so long all at the same time. Our little man is such a perfect addition to our family! If you have had the chance to meet him, or even glance at one picture of his yumminess, you would know that he has to be one of the smiliest and happiest kids ever! He gives me a new set of eyes to see our world through! We have been truly above and beyond blessed!
So what has happened over these past few weeks? Wow, well aside from several major holidays, just a few things! The little man started physical and occupational therapy in December, which is twice a week. He also had his MRI, which he was a rockstar for! That has now lead us to several other referrals, which we will be taking care of over the next few months. We all had a beautiful Christmas together, and he finally got the hang of the whole present thing by the time we made it up to the Mitten for his
ahem, third and fourth Christmases. I was so concerned about putting presents out under the tree early, thinking he would want to tear into them. It wasn't until a few days after I had finally put a few presents out to "test the waters," that I had realized why they still sat there, untouched. It was most likely because he had
no idea what those pretty little packages under the tree were. Did our little man ever receive a gift? I didn't want to dwell on the thought for too long. There are many, many gifts in his future, and I am now confident that he is very well aware of what a present looks like!
Christmas break was an awesome time for all three kids to get to hang out and play, and we got to spend time with lots of family, which was also awesome! He is so loved! His language is slowly coming along, which the doctor did mention could take longer for him specifically. He is so observant though of everything around him, and just today, helped me to put away some dishes. I honestly don't think the other two would've known where some of those items are kept!
Prayers are welcome for both him and for I. Unfortunately, my time away from work is drawing to a close, and we are going to have a HUGE transition ahead of us. One that neither one of us is prepared for I'm afraid. Please pray that our little man does well going to the babysitter and staying with grandma on my work days. Also pray for the Mister as well. Juggling three kids before and after work is no small task, and since my days are so long, that unfortunately includes several meals and the beginning of bedtime. Ewww! The little man is also not a huge fan of going to sleep with anyone but momma these days either, so that is a whole other challenge.
My heart has been overflowing with joy from all of the love and support our little man, and our entire family has received over these past few months! Thanks to all of you!
Finally becoming buddies! |
Christmas morning!!! |
Mom's XMas Elves :) |
Two party animals! |
Grammie hid the presents...he caught onto the game quickly |
Annnnd....the Little Lady got her first haircut! |
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