Wednesday, September 10, 2014

His Perfect Timing

So it's been awhile since I've updated ya'll on what's been going on adoption wise.  Well, it's been a lot of fill out more paperwork, send it in, and WAIT!  Ahhh I'm so sick of waiting!  So that's what we did.  I won't bore you with the details, but today our agency sent some additional documents to the U.S. Consulate in China.  This is technically the last step before we are out for our travel approval (TA,) from China!  Crazy!  Now don't get me wrong here people!  What you may have just read is that we will be leaving on a jet plane any day now because we are down to the last few steps of this yeah no!  If it were only that easy!

What is the issue?  Well, it's called adoption + country with crazy fall holiday season = BAD!  Yes, if you were to Google which country in the world has the most fall holidays in the months of September and October, I'm confident that China would be top on the list!  There are two, one day holidays in September, and the real kick in the pants is the full week long holiday during the first part of October.  Ugh!  So at this point, we are thinking a mid-November travel date looks to be more realistic for us.  After figuring out that this is our true timeline this afternoon, I was feeling defeated.  Lately it seems like my group of other adoptive mommas and I have all been in a valley.  Feeling like the day will never come when we will ever get our arms around those precious children who have captured our hearts from thousands of miles away.  I have really felt like God has been speaking to me during this time to trust in Him.  Trying to encourage those other moms around me who are feeling the way that I have been feeling.  When I was driving in the car on the way to the store before dinner today, feeling defeated about our timeline, the song, "Blessed be Your Name," came on.  As I listened to the words, "When I'm found in the desert place, though I walk through the wilderness, blessed be your name, " were sung, it hit me.  God has a plan.  A master plan that I cannot understand or comprehend sometimes, but that He is in control of this adoption.  He has shown that to us from the very beginning.  Now folks, I am a member of a few, ok a lot of adoption boards on Facebook.  It seems so easy for everyone to say how great God is, or how God has answered their prayers when things go according to their plans.  But when things aren't going our way, I never see a word about praising God for His perfect timing.  This is true in all of our lives, adoption or not, but this has really hit me lately.  So blessed be your name, Lord.  Thank you that we aren't in control of this crazy process!

Oh yeah, and what have I neglected to let you know happened later after I returned home after running to the store?  A call.  From our adoption agency.  With an update on our little man....2 beautiful pictures and 11 glorious questions about our son answered!  So blessed be your name, Lord. Blessed be your name as I study every inch of my son's face, and blessed be your name as we continue to wait for these next long weeks, knowing that You are forever faithful.

And now that I've made you wait that long......presenting to you our little cutie patootie!


And yes, we have some work to do in the fashion department!


  1. Ahhhhhh Erin, once again you amaze me! I'm so proud to call you my friend! You are such an inspiration!! Hendrix is an absolute doll and will fit your family so well! Praying for you all as you wait out these last few months....look back at how many months you've already waited...these last few are nothing :) You will be holding your precious little guy by Christmas!!!

  2. He is a cutie! I remember how excited we were to finally get updated pics of Haleigh while we were waiting. I know how hard the wait is. We started the process in the fall of 2005 and came home with Haleigh in May of 2010. Long and hard. Your wait is almost over and just remember that it will happen at the exact moment that God has already ordained. It won't be even as much as a second late! Sounds like he will be home for the holidays - what a fun time that will be!
