Easter season is so amazing and so emotional for me. Even in thinking about how to write this post, I am still stumped for words because to be honest, I feel like there are no words to even encapsulate what Easter means to us as Christians, or to even truly grasp the reality of the emotions and the situations that Jesus felt and experienced during the last days of His life on Earth. It is completely overwhelming for me to consider, and it brings me to tears every single time. Yes, I have to admit, I have become "the crier," in church. Not sure if there is actually a label for different types of people during praise and worship, but that is what I am. I find myself often times getting caught up on the words I am singing and the reality of the lyrics that speak of Jesus' death and the price He paid for me, and before I know it, I'm like a leaky faucet. Jesus Christ came to Earth to die for our sins, and loves us in spite of you fill in the blank here. All sins. Gone. Forever. All you need to do is ask for His free gift of salvation. How overwhelming is that!?!?! Hence the reason for my water works. Now I'm not writing this to sound like some super awesome better than you type Christian, because that is totally NOT the case. I think that God's grace has been something that even since becoming a mom I have just been taken back by. I know I'm not anywhere close to being the perfect Christian, wife, mom, etc., but I know that there is grace waiting for me at the foot of the cross, and that grace is sufficient for me.
On another note, I have some adoption news! Man, that was not a smooth transition! As you know, we submitted our I800A form several weeks ago to US Immigration, and part of the process is getting fingerprinted...again. So, tomorrow the Mister and I are heading to Columbus to get our fingerprints taken and to get all of our documents authenticated by the Secretary of States' office that we have gathered, gotten notarized, and gotten certificates for from the county clerk of courts stating that our notaries who notarized them are in fact notaries. Yes, it was a looong process...and to be honest, I am completely paranoid about having to let those sweet little pieces of paper out of my sight when we will have to send out our dossier to D.C. Almost considering driving them there myself! Now, we have been assigned a date for fingerprinting, which is in another week, but I'm working that day, so we are going to press our luck and walk in tomorrow. Please send prayers our way that they will accept us tomorrow, and that the lady who is in charge at the office, (who I heard is always super grumpy,) is in a great mood tomorrow and doesn't give us any hassle about our changing dates! Now if we are successful in the fingerprinting tomorrow, I'm told this won't speed up our I800A approval, so I'm hoping we can have this by mid-May, and still be able to send our dossier to China by the first part of June..ahem....which also happens to be the exact time in which China is expecting this document to arrive from us. We also got an application out this week for a project we are hoping to be approved for to help us to raise funds to bring our little man home. It is an awesome opportunity to serve others while helping our little guy as well, so please pray for our request to be approved for the project. I will unveil more soon! Also, please continue to pray for our sweet boy as well. This mama is growing more and more anxious as the days pass! I have never in my life wanted to wish away the summer like I do now!